Saturday, November 28, 2009

I should be working, but instead...

The following is allowed because it's Bollywood and the cheesy-ness is always forgivable when it's Bollywood...and when it's Hrithik Roshan...and his chest muscles.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I do believe it is time.

I consider this my contribution to society. My economic stimulus package. I hope you are all banging your heads stupid against a hard surface, because when i found this sweater shoot with James Dean I almost passed out.

Monday, November 16, 2009

This might be the cutest...

Monday night post. Yet. Stay tuned, friends.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

In Honour of Tonight.

Yo, I wrote "honour" with a MotherF***ing "U" because this dude is ****ing Canadian! Word!

This is also the ONLY photo of Jon Lajoie I could find in anything even remotely resembling a sweater. It's a lovely zip-up warm thing and at least his collar is popped. Tonight we will see him live at Zaine's.

A-Thank you.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

An OG sweater.

My mom sent this to me this afternoon. Oh, mom... though there is some (by "some" I mean "complete") uncertainty about the authenticity of Sting's garment ( as it would relate to this blog), I have decided that I WANT to believe , more than I want to adhere to my own rules, that the uber-thin, muscle showing, micro-fiber, peck-hugger he is wearing is an actual sweater and not a shirt. And really, if it were truly a sweater- it would be an amazing, perfect, heaven-sent sweater, would't it. So here you are. I choose delusion and give you :

Sting's sweater.

Kickin' It Old-School

Luke, Who Is Your Daddy?

Who's my little stripey-wipey, puppy-dog-eyed, zip-up hoody-type-thingy wearer? Who is? Yooooouuu aaaaare, Luke Wilson, Yooou Arrree!

The Zane of my Existence.

Hello there, welcome to another gratuitous celebrity sweater post that includes more than just sweaters. I've found such a lovely array of excellent Billy Zane photos that I couldn't resist arranging them here, neatly and well labeled, for your enjoymizzle.

This photo displays an excellent example of that rare-as-gold-dust "Clooney Beard" we've mentioned. Look at how skillfully Mr. Zane grows his scruff! Hmm, looks like he hasn't put on his sweater yet. Oops!

The following three snapshots (yes, I realize the last two are of the same outfit, but I couldn't resist the varied smile/crows feet combos), of an older, more sophisticated Zane wearing what is apparently his chosen uniform. Happily for us, his chosen uniform consists of sweaters, buttondowns, and face-melting hotitude. Oh, and golf hats.

Are you kidding me with this face, Billy Zane? Jeebus.

I'm going to SAY that I'm posting this because the turtleneck is apropos- but I'm ACTUALLY just posting it because it's ridiculously, eye-gougingly, effing beautiful. I have a FULL BILL-ONER.

From the side, if you'd prefer

And I would in this case, if it weren't for that little sweater-pulled-over-the-belt move he's doing there. Tricky man.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

There's a chill in the air tonight

A brisk, lazy Tuesday...just the kind of night for a cozy sweater and an open smile. This man looks like he can handle the popcorn, pick just the right film, and provide a softly sweatered shoulder.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Back to work Monday...

and these HANDS certainly look like they're capable of a lot of work.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday Brunch.

I would like to pack this fine sweater-wearing man into my picnic basket.

Just a hint...

but we know what the rest looks like. And we like it. Thank you Mr. Mortensson!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Fabulous Baker Boy

I present to you now, Mr. Simon Baker in 5 of the most sought after man-ensembles of all time.

1) Of course, I start with the sweater. Not just any sweater but the thinnest, softest looking, muscle showingest sweater on earth. For the record, the necklace thing, when done properly, is icing on the sweater cake.

2) This is the pre-jacket, pensive-faced, vest-only outfit. In my mind, he's determining whether or not I need to be punished for my various transgressions. In my opinion, I absolutely do.

3) The wonderful, casual zip-up sweatshirt, athletic moment. Here our example demonstrates the ease with which he takes on physical challenges such as surfing and carrying shit.

4) The classic Suit and Tie.

5) The White Button Down. A particular favorite of ours.

And for a bonus, I give you one of our unlisted favorites: The Lumberjack Shirt. Tell me you don't want this guy chopping wood for you. Holy. Crap.

No Country for Cold Men.

We have just returned from a 4 night Halloween adventure in the great city of Las Vegas. We had a time, indeed, a debauched, depraved time and I would say more must stay where it happened.

One thing I can say, however, is that we nearly went into woolen withdrawal. The weather being so wonderfully warm as it is (save almost every place indoors, where central air blows eternally with frigid force)- There was little reason for the abundant male population to wear much at all. While that's also nice in it's own right, we found the lack of sweatered studs to be a bit of a travesty. There was a smattering of pullovers, a lovely Israeli gentleman wearing a zip-front sweater exactly the way it should be worn, and a single striped cardigan.

I will use those few sweaters we saw as inspiration for this photo post. Ah, how fortunate are we who live in the North and have the benefit of eyeballing cold-weather apparel on our boys almost daily.

Yes, it's purple. But I'm comfortable with his manhood.

How the hell does Sexy Spice manage to NEVER smile when her Husband looks like THIS in a cardigan?

Perfectly worn: Collar popped, sleeves pushed casually to the elbow, zipped it is not.