Wednesday, November 4, 2009

No Country for Cold Men.

We have just returned from a 4 night Halloween adventure in the great city of Las Vegas. We had a time, indeed, a debauched, depraved time and I would say more must stay where it happened.

One thing I can say, however, is that we nearly went into woolen withdrawal. The weather being so wonderfully warm as it is (save almost every place indoors, where central air blows eternally with frigid force)- There was little reason for the abundant male population to wear much at all. While that's also nice in it's own right, we found the lack of sweatered studs to be a bit of a travesty. There was a smattering of pullovers, a lovely Israeli gentleman wearing a zip-front sweater exactly the way it should be worn, and a single striped cardigan.

I will use those few sweaters we saw as inspiration for this photo post. Ah, how fortunate are we who live in the North and have the benefit of eyeballing cold-weather apparel on our boys almost daily.

Yes, it's purple. But I'm comfortable with his manhood.

How the hell does Sexy Spice manage to NEVER smile when her Husband looks like THIS in a cardigan?

Perfectly worn: Collar popped, sleeves pushed casually to the elbow, zipped it is not.

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