Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Northwest Manifesto

Now, the imagery here may seem a bit all over the place. I'll give you that. Tomorrow I break from Chicago's summer heat and delve into the land of the Pacific Northwest.
The twinkle in my eye took up residence about a week ago imagining the potential combinations of pullovers, bicycles, hippy string bracelets, utilitarian boots, and muscular hands gripping cups of Americanos as perfect swirls of steam combine with the bite of Vancouver air EXPLODING in a GLORY of coffee/mountainous earth smell, windblown salt and pepper hair, and effing sexy.
My access to male model portfolios and stock photography pages certainly isn't helping me deal with my appreciation for these finer things in life, so I thank you for allowing me this outlet to channel my creepiness and hide my longing glances behind a computer screen. By allow, I mean you not doing anything except refraining from contacting anyone with legal authority regarding your concerns about my behaviour.
That said, my fantasies were FAR surpassed when I plugged the words "northwest" "man" and "sweater" into the getty image search.
Holy God. Holy, holy Lord. I thank you for my blessed life. I thank you for the beautiful creatures you've created to grace this earth. I thank you for the cold air's creation of this need to encompass broad shoulders and brawny forearms in tightly woven wool/cotton blends. You can be assured, your efforts are not wasted on me.
So, we have some variety. And I look forward to this variety. Enjoy.

OK, the hipster boy needs a cheesecake. That bike girl needs to step up to her apron duties or step. away. from. the sweatered bike man. yep.

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